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Welcome back to The Practical Prospector Newsletter! If you haven’t joined yet, subscribe here to receive future posts:
In today’s newsletter, I’ll be sharing how I use Aligned to send digital sales rooms to provide value upfront and book more meetings as a result.
The Power of Digital Rooms
3 Examples of How to Use Digital Rooms
How to Create Your Own
The Power of Digital Rooms
If you read my last few newsletters, you know how much of an emphasis I put on offering something of value (not a demo) in your cold emails.
I’ve seen people do this in many ways:
Offering a video with tips on how to solve the problem
Offer genuinely helpful 3rd party resources (i.e. not from your company)
Providing access to part of your solution for free
Digital sales rooms let you combine all of this in one place.
While providing you with tracking on who visits the room, what content they engage with, how long they engage with it for, and who they forward it to.
Here’s an example of one of my rooms - it’s what I’m using as the main offer in my cold emails.
Here’s a ~4-minute video explaining how it works:
Click here to start using Aligned for free!
3 Examples of How to Use Digital Rooms
Example #1
One of my clients sells lead gen to HR/Staffing companies.
He’s getting a 16% click rate on the emails where he sends a digital sales room.
Meaning, not only is he getting engagement from the people who reply to his emails, but now he’s getting an additional 16% who are engaging
Allowing him to strategically follow up via email, phone, or inside the room itself.
Here’s an example of what the email looks like:
Hey {{first_name}}, as I’ve been learning more about {{company}} and ways your team can set more appointments with comapnies looking to fill open positions, I decided to compile everything into one playbook for your reps:
You can access it here [insert digital room link].
Let me know if you’re interested in seeing how I could put this into action for you.
Example #2
My favorite place to use digital sales rooms is in P.S.:
P.S. Here’s a step-by-step process to fixing X [insert digital room link]
P.S. I compiled a list of resources for you on X [insert digital room link]
Adding a link might increase my chances of landing in spam (although I haven’t seen much of an impact) but the upside is worth it.
There are a million things you can do for deliverability. As long as you’re doing most of them right, it’s fine to add a link.
Example #3
Another great way to use digital sales rooms is by sharing them on LinkedIn (if your ICP is active there).
With this strategy, the room acts as a lead magnet. Allowing you to capture the emails of anyone who clicks through on the link so that you can strategically follow up.
Three examples of this strategy in action:
This post from James Hanzimanolis at Phoneburner
Great example of how to build a standard “pitch deck” room for your product, that doesn’t look too “pitchy”.
This post from Ryan Lallier at SalesGevity
He shared a guide on best practices for using Apollo. Got 45 people to enter the room and booked 3 meetings (as he shared in a following post).
Nearly 600 people visited the room. The analytics show me their name, email, company, time spent in the room, and in some cases, it directly links to their LinkedIn profile.
I then scraped the list for decision-makers and strategically followed up with them on email and LinkedIn.
How to Create Your Own
Your digital room doesn’t have to be a beautiful marketing presentation.
You just need to focus on two things:
What are my prospect’s biggest needs and concerns?
What resources or value can I provide to help with that?
If you’re struggling with this, I made this post explaining how I would do this from scratch for another company.
Once you’re clear on the above, I recommend structuring your room like this:
Section 1: A quick note with a Calender link
Section 2: A 1-minute video describing the problem you solve
Section 3: Some sort of resource related to that problem
Section 4: A comment section for any questions
Thanks for reading,
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